Want to invest in one of our projects for a great return?

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Hassle Free Investment

Many people want to get into property investment. But the reality is a lot tougher than expected. You find yourself driving back and forth to investment areas, talking to agents or builders and dealing with countless rejections. Long days filled with wasted time and expenses for petrol, hotels and surveys. Sometimes you are just fortunate to even get one offer accepted on a property. Not to mention the endless property viewings (usually in the rain) with no time to even eat a sandwich in your car for lunch.

It’s hard work. But the good news? You don’t have to do any of this to see the same, if not better, returns. You can invest passively and securely, letting your money work for you while you focus on what you enjoy. No dealing with solicitors, stamp duty, fees, tenant issues, or agents. All it takes is a few taps on your banking app, and just like that, you’ve created a new stream of income.

Why invest with Luz Properties?


Investing in Luz Properties means partnering with a team that has a proven track record of success. With £400k in development value across various residential conversions, our solid experience underscores our commitment to delivering quality results.


Investing with us is entirely passive. We manage every detail of the property projects, from acquisition to refurbishment, allowing you to benefit from our expertise with complete ease. We deliver seamless, hands-off returns.


We have the ability to pay investors pre-agreed returns on capital, typically in the region of 8-10% per annum, providing consistent and strong investment performance.


We are experienced property investors with over 4 years in the field, continuously refining our expertise through successful developments. We collaborate with a dedicated team of contractors who have completed hundreds of refurbishment projects, consistently delivering on time and within budget, ensuring peace of mind for our investors.

We care about Security

We treat your investment with the same care as we do our own. The returns and security we offer are backed by thorough vetting processes involving ourselves, our team, and our wider network. We rely on solid research, reliable data and comparative analysis to minimise risk. For every property, we have several exit strategies in place, ensuring there is always a plan b.

The level of security your investment receives will depend on the amount invested. We always aim to provide the highest level of protection possible. Typically, this starts with a Loan Agreement with our limited company detailing all the terms and conditions previously agreed.

Other forms of security may be available, please get in touch to discuss further.

"At Luz Properties, we see the maximum rental and sales prices as a standard to exceed. Our aim is to deliver outstanding returns for our investors while setting new benchmarks in the market." - Lucia, Director

Our Projects